


The leading manufacturer of original animation in China, CCTV Animation has launched more than 300 TV animation and films and on average produces 7000 minutes of animation each year


Shows by CCTVA

Panda and Kiwi

The adventure begins

Series 3D Animation Younger Kids

Infamous wildlife smuggler Ratty Hat travels the world in his submarine, collecting a cargo of rare and endangered animals. But before he can return home, a terrible storm sweeps the submarine high onto the rocks of a mysterious uncharted island. In the chaos, Hehe the panda; Kiki the kiwi; Aristotle the tortoise; Mr Little the gorilla; and three golden monkeys; all manage to escape onto the island. Longing for home, they embark on an ambitious boat building project. Meanwhile Ratty dreams up wacky ways to recapture his lost cargo with the help of Nuts and his fellow robotic minions.

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